
Contax 645 55mm lens
Contax 645 55mm lens

The image quality as a result of the combination of Contax lenses on the Leica S is gigantic. Stefan Pick said, “Initially, I was pessimistic about the adapter solution, but already from the first use I was enormously surprised how quickly and how well the auto focus on the Leica S works – faster than on Contax system in the past. Stefan Pick, Contax photographer for many years, was the first to test the S-Adapter C in conjunction with the Leica Stand Contax 645-lenses. When using the adapter with Contax 645 lenses, the aperture is selected with the manual mode or the automatic setting of the camera. Use of corrective lens profiles for the Contax 645 system when converting the RAW files in Adobe Lightroom or Adobe Photoshop.Using the EXIF data of lenses of Contax 645 system.Autofocus and manual focus with focus confirmation.The Leica S-Adapter C when used with Contax 645 lenses on any of the Leica S cameras offers the following: The adapter enables owners of the Contax 645 system to switch effortlessly to the Leica S System. With this adapter, Contax 645 lenses can be used with the Leica S (Typ 006), Leica S2 and Leica S2-P cameras.

contax 645 55mm lens contax 645 55mm lens

Leica Camera is pleased to introduce the Leica S-Adapter C which will be available from this June. Today, Leica has announced the Leica S-Adapter-C, which allows Contax 645 AF lenses to be mounted on a Leica S system camera (S2, S2-P, or S typ 006) with full functionality, including auto focus and aperture control.

Contax 645 55mm lens